quarta-feira, 28 de abril de 2010
À frente das várias nações submissas,
Do persa o escravagista intento.
Miríade armada à recusa grega
Partiram da Ásia e a sórdida premissa.
A Europa como meta,
A passagem era a Grécia.
Liberdade não com ouro, mas à espada,
Não concebem rei expulso de Esparta,
Demaratos nem o persa.
Já vendida a grega Jônia;
Do trácio Efialtes a traidora senda.
Por cada míseros metros de terra,
De vermelho tinge o delírio e a escarpa,
A Lacedemônia coesa e austera.
A decisão pelas Termópilas.
Honram o sacrifício os altos estreitos:
As sábias horas de Leônidas
À frente de apenas nove mil gregos!*
Vencem a cizânia após e a ofensiva,
Cem mil gregos livres em Platéias.
Salva a Hélade e a democracia,
Do espelho a dor contida
Daqueles homens as mulheres.
*Heródoto, Guerras pérsicas.
1. Os contínuos combates contra os exércitos do império persa,
Revezados de duas em duas horas
Por guerreiros de cada cidade grega livre,
Ocorreram numa clareira interior do
Monte Calidromos, a oudenos chorion, a terra de ninguém,
Onde comportava uma frente de sessenta
Homens ombro a ombro, escudo a escudo(hoplon),
Não importando aos gregos
O que estava além dessa linha,
Os quinhentos mil invasores.
2. a guarda do rei espartano era composta de trezentos cavaleiros, os pares ou iguais. escolher trezentos bons guerreiros era coisa muito fácil, mas os que foram combater nas termópilas foram escolhidos a partir de suas mulheres, que por serem altivas, fortaleceram o espírito de liberdade helênico.
The sun says goodbye to days,
Last golden mirror of the sea.
Loose hair in the wind whistles,
Exposed breast, mounths to kiss.
The moon revolves in the sky, the cloudy head.
The light is dying and outlines.
Lily of the dunes and mermaid
Also reveals the soft curves.
Expanse of sand and sea,
Full moon and now alone.
The breeze and the lighthouse are neighbors,
Flashes, as regards the sea.
Stroll by the sea,
The offshore wind and the moon.
Refresh the look and shine
The silhouette of the female nude.
Caressing and hugging the wind cold.
Body by the hands and affection.
Complexion and feel the chill,
Your wet and smell the sea air.
Hummingbird bird pink dewy.
Perfume, petals, act of love.
Smooth silent sea waves,
Ecstasy the flower electrified.
The stars twinkle, the voice moans,
Play thighs moonlit night.
Your body, the whole earth shakes
In bright candy nudity.
Hover over the earth at night and the beast.
It burns your venter, burning sand,
Burning flame and fire kindles
The heat from one body on the ball.
It hurts so subtle that night and the weather,
While the tight embrace
In the waist and kissed her breast,
Rare ship flies overhead.
Peace lies under the sky
Love and the two go to town.
Walk in quiet evening
By moonlight, the stars and the veil.
Seduce and enchant the place
The atmosphere of magic.
Space of joy,
The warm sea bath.
Your love and mirrored in the water,
Brightness that you see now,
The moon by this stone pierced
Waiting these verses and the time.
Only the laughter, the music of the sea
With the two follow the trail,
The white moon shines
And nightly meteor to wander.
Life is calm, the world is distant.
Landscapes out of sight,
Around the horizon is free,
The mind travels to the heart achievement.
Brazilians, many people ...
People worldwide,
They come from January to January,
See the mystery, dunes, lagoons ...
The virgin nature
Of mutable sands.
Dune ponds permeates
In place of rare beauty!
America turns to the west
For the beautiful sun goes down here,
as painting that the living memory
In brief word summarizes Jeri.
Small town
Great sun of Ecuador
Way through the confines of the Milky Way
Still not light up
Reason for this city.
Barely grown, peace already devours us.
Monsters in the labyrinths, discouragement.
Revealing the ugly face of distress,
In the sad look of your perverted girls
Selling weak body now in droves,
Even without breasts on street corners.
While parading along the contempt
Of illicit wealth of safe public
The fortunes smuggling.
Cries the edges on the beach
The neglect your children
By fucking in nature and kind.
Weep thy shame and grief,
For dirty water that always arises,
As infected blood
Poured in your veins.
That false illustrious
Hearts insincere
Weave into your website!
Who to believe insults and masks
And disfigures your geography?
Who demeans your letters
And your land is appropriated?
Who disposes of your souls,
edify the Palace
By pageantry guise of buffs?
Who imposes unmerit spaces
Without democracy?
What policy of the past and now
sold pieces of your soul?
What made you rivers, wetlands,
Of life, peace, the squares,
Small town of thieves?
That green have removed the eternal!
What a lovely mask hastily
Hidden on the coast
Your inner suffering!
Way through the confines of the Milky Way
Still not light up
Reason for this city.
Barely grown, peace already devours us.
Monsters in the labyrinths, discouragement.
Revealing the ugly face of distress,
In the sad look of your perverted girls
Selling weak body now in droves,
Even without breasts on street corners.
While parading along the contempt
Of illicit wealth of safe public
The fortunes smuggling.
Cries the edges on the beach
The neglect your children
By fucking in nature and kind.
Weep thy shame and grief,
For dirty water that always arises,
As infected blood
Poured in your veins.
That false illustrious
Hearts insincere
Weave into your website!
Who to believe insults and masks
And disfigures your geography?
Who demeans your letters
And your land is appropriated?
Who disposes of your souls,
edify the Palace
By pageantry guise of buffs?
Who imposes unmerit spaces
Without democracy?
What policy of the past and now
sold pieces of your soul?
What made you rivers, wetlands,
Of life, peace, the squares,
Small town of thieves?
That green have removed the eternal!
What a lovely mask hastily
Hidden on the coast
Your inner suffering!
Os homens sem escrúpulos
Para Antonio Cãopelo e Joaquim Capaxo
Nós somos os homens sem escrúpulos.
Vivemos pelo fausto deslumbrados,
Ávidos por tudo beneméritos,
Mas somos da verdade sempre esquivos,
Aqueles da mentira sempre dúbios.
Infortúnio é somente o descuido,
Quando escroques nos revela de pronto.
Sem índole, sem remorso,
Sem pena, sem dor,
Sem brio, sem honra.
Mesquinhos e venais,
Obtemos o que queremos
Por qualquer meio escuso.
Nós somos os homens sem escrúpulos.
Nosso caminho funda-se e é respaldo
Da universal infâmia.
O vácuo como essência.
O ar solene abraçamos,
Mas sob o ouro da arrogância
Não há nada.
Aqui é a terra dos homens sem escrúpulos,
Aqui a ética não brota.
O jardim que a aparência esmera,
Do mal miméticas flores cultiva.
Enquanto movem-se espectrais pelo cinismo,
Riso por nossas bocas desditas.
E na ânsia pelo lucro indevido
Funesto regozijo habita:
O sucesso a qualquer custo,
Nada mais importa.
Somos o aborto da ganância.
Nossa real emoção caracterizam as cifras.
O malefício em nós impregnados,
Palavras inexpressas o perfil proclama
A inumerável face:
Corruptos de toda ordem
Para todos os fins.
Bajuladores e outros mentirosos.
Farsantes. Plagiadores.
Grileiros. Contrabandistas.
Estelionatários. Fraudadores.
Perversores. Perniciosos.
Certos senhores da justiça
Que fazem da verdade o ermo.*
Criminosos de toda espécie.
Tiranos. Falsos democratas,
Os que vêm mérito em governar miséria.
Aparentamos tantos e somos os mesmos,
Somos os homens sem escrúpulos.
Quando poderosos,
Mais inescrupulosos somos,
Avessos a qualquer virtude escassa,
E usufruimos da facilidade
Porque nos servem gente lacaia.
Condição que se esmera
Substantiva do próprio degrado
Nos mais desprezíveis da terra.
E mais servis são pelas migalhas
Que nossa vilã soberba lhes amassa.
Por isso também sem brio, sem honra,
Sem pena, sem dor,
Sem índole, sem remorso.
E na baixeza dos meios empregados,
Somos execráveis de todo,
Somos de todo falsos ilustres.
Nós, lacaios e poderosos,
Somos iguais inescrupulosos
De mesma escória formados,
Idênticos vazios de alma.
Somos todos vis de mesma laia!
Ao suborno dos responsáveis,
Das cidades infringimos os códigos,
Sem que se saiba o mal que causamos
E a hipocrisia veicula
como numa alusão a pródigos;
Das terras nos apropriamos;
Poluímos o ar e a água;
Extinguimos os índios e devastamos florestas,
Causamos a fome de milhares e injúria
Ao lesar tesouros
E o ludíbrio das pátrias.
Somos tais os carentes do amor de mãe,
Também do valor do próprio pai,
Como os párias sem culpa,
Tampouco são como nós somos,
Frios de mau caráter,
Em todas as línguas de igual significado:
Somos os autênticos filhos da puta!
Nós somos os homens sem escrúpulos.
Vivemos pelo fausto deslumbrados,
Ávidos por tudo beneméritos,
Mas somos da verdade sempre esquivos,
Aqueles da mentira sempre dúbios.
Infortúnio é somente o descuido,
Quando escroques nos revela de pronto.
Sem índole, sem remorso,
Sem pena, sem dor,
Sem brio, sem honra.
Mesquinhos e venais,
Obtemos o que queremos
Por qualquer meio escuso.
Nós somos os homens sem escrúpulos.
Nosso caminho funda-se e é respaldo
Da universal infâmia.
O vácuo como essência.
O ar solene abraçamos,
Mas sob o ouro da arrogância
Não há nada.
Aqui é a terra dos homens sem escrúpulos,
Aqui a ética não brota.
O jardim que a aparência esmera,
Do mal miméticas flores cultiva.
Enquanto movem-se espectrais pelo cinismo,
Riso por nossas bocas desditas.
E na ânsia pelo lucro indevido
Funesto regozijo habita:
O sucesso a qualquer custo,
Nada mais importa.
Somos o aborto da ganância.
Nossa real emoção caracterizam as cifras.
O malefício em nós impregnados,
Palavras inexpressas o perfil proclama
A inumerável face:
Corruptos de toda ordem
Para todos os fins.
Bajuladores e outros mentirosos.
Farsantes. Plagiadores.
Grileiros. Contrabandistas.
Estelionatários. Fraudadores.
Perversores. Perniciosos.
Certos senhores da justiça
Que fazem da verdade o ermo.*
Criminosos de toda espécie.
Tiranos. Falsos democratas,
Os que vêm mérito em governar miséria.
Aparentamos tantos e somos os mesmos,
Somos os homens sem escrúpulos.
Quando poderosos,
Mais inescrupulosos somos,
Avessos a qualquer virtude escassa,
E usufruimos da facilidade
Porque nos servem gente lacaia.
Condição que se esmera
Substantiva do próprio degrado
Nos mais desprezíveis da terra.
E mais servis são pelas migalhas
Que nossa vilã soberba lhes amassa.
Por isso também sem brio, sem honra,
Sem pena, sem dor,
Sem índole, sem remorso.
E na baixeza dos meios empregados,
Somos execráveis de todo,
Somos de todo falsos ilustres.
Nós, lacaios e poderosos,
Somos iguais inescrupulosos
De mesma escória formados,
Idênticos vazios de alma.
Somos todos vis de mesma laia!
Ao suborno dos responsáveis,
Das cidades infringimos os códigos,
Sem que se saiba o mal que causamos
E a hipocrisia veicula
como numa alusão a pródigos;
Das terras nos apropriamos;
Poluímos o ar e a água;
Extinguimos os índios e devastamos florestas,
Causamos a fome de milhares e injúria
Ao lesar tesouros
E o ludíbrio das pátrias.
Somos tais os carentes do amor de mãe,
Também do valor do próprio pai,
Como os párias sem culpa,
Tampouco são como nós somos,
Frios de mau caráter,
Em todas as línguas de igual significado:
Somos os autênticos filhos da puta!
Men unscrupulous
We are men without scruples.
We live by the splendor dazzled
And all eager benefactors,
But the truth are always elusive,
Those lie always dubious.
Misfortune is just carelessness,
When crooks reveals at once.
Without character, without remorse,
No pity, no pain,
Without pride, without honor.
Petty and venal,
We get what we want
By any means shady.
We are men without scruples.
Our path is founded and is supported
Of universal infamy.
The vacuum as an essence.
The posture solemn embrace,
But beneath the gold of arrogance
There is nothing.
Here is the land of men without scruples,
Here the ethic does not spring.
The garden to look her best,
Mimetic cultivates flowers of evil.
While moving the spectral cynicism,
Laughter from our mouths misfortunes.
And the craving for undue profit
Dire joy dwells:
Success at any cost,
Nothing else matters.
We abortion greed.
Our real emotion characterized the ciphers.
The curse on us or not impregnated,
Words unexpressed profile proclaims,
His face innumerable:
Corrupt of all kinds
For all purposes.
Sycophants and other liars.
Frauds. Plagiarists.
Squatters. Smugglers.
Swindlers. Fraudsters.
Perversive. Pernicious.
Certain gentlemen of justice
What makes the desert of truth .*
Criminals of all kinds.
Tyrants. Fake Democrats
Those who govern have merit in misery.
Akin and many are the same,
We are men without scruples.
When powerful
Are more unscrupulous,
Averse to any virtue scarce
And enjoy the ease
Because we are served by people lackey.
Condition that strives
Major's own degrade
In the most despicable of the earth.
And most menial are the crumbs
That our superb villain knead them.
So also without pride, without honor
No pity, no pain,
Without character, without remorse.
And in the baseness of the means employed,
We are nefarious at all,
We are distinguished from all false.
We minions, powerful
We are equally unscrupulous
Of the same slag formed
Identical empty soul.
We are all villainy the same ilk!
Bribery of those responsible,
Contravened the codes of cities,
Without knowing the harm we cause
Hypocrisy conveys
as an allusion to lavish;
We take the land;
Polluted air and water;
Extinguish the Indians and depleted forests,
Have caused hunger and injury of thousands
Damage to treasures
And the derision of the nations.
We are such the poor mother's love,
Also the value of his own father,
As the pariahs without guilt,
Neither are as we are,
Cold bad character,
In all the languages of the same meaning:
We are the true sons of bitches!
We live by the splendor dazzled
And all eager benefactors,
But the truth are always elusive,
Those lie always dubious.
Misfortune is just carelessness,
When crooks reveals at once.
Without character, without remorse,
No pity, no pain,
Without pride, without honor.
Petty and venal,
We get what we want
By any means shady.
We are men without scruples.
Our path is founded and is supported
Of universal infamy.
The vacuum as an essence.
The posture solemn embrace,
But beneath the gold of arrogance
There is nothing.
Here is the land of men without scruples,
Here the ethic does not spring.
The garden to look her best,
Mimetic cultivates flowers of evil.
While moving the spectral cynicism,
Laughter from our mouths misfortunes.
And the craving for undue profit
Dire joy dwells:
Success at any cost,
Nothing else matters.
We abortion greed.
Our real emotion characterized the ciphers.
The curse on us or not impregnated,
Words unexpressed profile proclaims,
His face innumerable:
Corrupt of all kinds
For all purposes.
Sycophants and other liars.
Frauds. Plagiarists.
Squatters. Smugglers.
Swindlers. Fraudsters.
Perversive. Pernicious.
Certain gentlemen of justice
What makes the desert of truth .*
Criminals of all kinds.
Tyrants. Fake Democrats
Those who govern have merit in misery.
Akin and many are the same,
We are men without scruples.
When powerful
Are more unscrupulous,
Averse to any virtue scarce
And enjoy the ease
Because we are served by people lackey.
Condition that strives
Major's own degrade
In the most despicable of the earth.
And most menial are the crumbs
That our superb villain knead them.
So also without pride, without honor
No pity, no pain,
Without character, without remorse.
And in the baseness of the means employed,
We are nefarious at all,
We are distinguished from all false.
We minions, powerful
We are equally unscrupulous
Of the same slag formed
Identical empty soul.
We are all villainy the same ilk!
Bribery of those responsible,
Contravened the codes of cities,
Without knowing the harm we cause
Hypocrisy conveys
as an allusion to lavish;
We take the land;
Polluted air and water;
Extinguish the Indians and depleted forests,
Have caused hunger and injury of thousands
Damage to treasures
And the derision of the nations.
We are such the poor mother's love,
Also the value of his own father,
As the pariahs without guilt,
Neither are as we are,
Cold bad character,
In all the languages of the same meaning:
We are the true sons of bitches!
segunda-feira, 19 de abril de 2010
Love has no borders
The air has no borders.
The river has no borders.
The sea has no borders.
The cosmos has no borders.
The dream has no borders.
What good are these stone cairns,
Far beyond these mountains,
The rhythm of these waves,
The canopy of the jungle
If this river already has run these waters?
And it roam free as many fishes,
So much life, so much life ...
What represent these limits
If the air we breath
Transforms it into new
The lavish nature;
And my body feeds your life
And without it inevitably succumbs
And all life on earth expires
If it is the same for everyone?
There is only relevant or
What already existed.
What was not imposed
By greed or fear.
Why is invisible to many,
If some have envisioned?
(You May Say I am a dreamer,
But I am not the only one!) *
The only boundary is the limit
Between sanity and insanity;
Among the miracle of life
And the emptiness of death.
This anguish will be disadvantaged in hugs,
When white sails, colorful,
Sincere smiles and hope,
From the far reaches
Pointing on all sides
The horizon of this utopia pursued:
Love has no borders!
John Lenon*
The river has no borders.
The sea has no borders.
The cosmos has no borders.
The dream has no borders.
What good are these stone cairns,
Far beyond these mountains,
The rhythm of these waves,
The canopy of the jungle
If this river already has run these waters?
And it roam free as many fishes,
So much life, so much life ...
What represent these limits
If the air we breath
Transforms it into new
The lavish nature;
And my body feeds your life
And without it inevitably succumbs
And all life on earth expires
If it is the same for everyone?
There is only relevant or
What already existed.
What was not imposed
By greed or fear.
Why is invisible to many,
If some have envisioned?
(You May Say I am a dreamer,
But I am not the only one!) *
The only boundary is the limit
Between sanity and insanity;
Among the miracle of life
And the emptiness of death.
This anguish will be disadvantaged in hugs,
When white sails, colorful,
Sincere smiles and hope,
From the far reaches
Pointing on all sides
The horizon of this utopia pursued:
Love has no borders!
John Lenon*
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